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Feedback From New Platforms

I started posting select Scared Stiff films to our official Facebook page. So far the views are much higher than they have been on YouTube. I haven't researched the full analyst yet so I don't know how many people have stayed to watch the whole movie or who clicked on it and off without finishing it but the results are promising so far. I have read that videos posted on Facebook appear more frequently on feeds then those that are posted from Facebook. Gonna try a few more video posting sites and see what gains some momentum as we prepare to go into production on new films. No need to be exclusive to YouTube anymore.
Recent posts

Time to Expand to Different Platforms (And a NEW Movie!)

We released a brand new short film last week. I believe it's the 60th or 61st under the Scared Stiff brand. Pretty proud of it, especially considering that we had just a three person crew on set. The new film stars Scared Stiff regular, the very talented Joe Nemchek and Barbara Robertson. This is Barbara's third film with Scared Stiff. Her first being "Tiny's Halloween" way back in 2009. Please check it out and share! We filmed most of it back in October on a Sony FS7 but finished it recently on a RED ONE MX. This episode marks the end of Scared Stiff's exclusivity to YouTube. Shortly, we will start sharing selected episodes and all future episodes on other platforms. YouTube viewership had almost completely died out over the years when it comes to our show. I liked having all films in one place to be able to accurately check the analytics, but we must evolve. Any emerging platforms you think we should check out? Please leave a comment below. Enjoy! htt...

A Tragic Loss

Where to start? We've actually released three new films since my last post. But I will mention those in a future post. More importantly, we lost a Scared Stiff family member last year. John "Dolo Ello" Ragin passed away suddenly and shockingly back in September. Since 2011, Dolo created soundtracks for 29 of the Scared Stiff films. He acted in a few of them, including starring as "Malcolm", the man in the radio station in "The Zombie Chronicles". He was an important collaborator and his talents and contributions were vitally important to "Scared Stiff". The show won't be the same without him. He left behind a wife and a young daughter. He will be missed dearly. 

Back from the Dead

It's been several months, but it is time to dust off the screenwriting typewriter and get my directors buret dry-cleaned. Real-life has been very busy since "Son of Tiny" was released. I recently bought a house and sold my old one, so moving was a priority and took up a lot of time. On top of all that, my computer that I used for filmmaking completely died. Fortunately, my data was safe but the processor went so it would have been about a grand to get it fixed. Work has been very busy and with two small kids waiting for me at home, I was left with very little time, and even less energy to make any filmmaking progress.  We did release part 9 of our "Jason Xmas" mini-series back in January but other than that, filmmaking has been at a stand still as far as "Scared Stiff" is concerned. I recently edited a short film that will be making the festival loop shortly directed by "Scared Stiff" star Analisa Robertson recently, but it is now time to...

One more night of shooting

"Son on Tiny" has been edited into a polished "rough cut" and sent to audio for soundtrack! I am really happy with how it is coming along. Tonight, we are shooting a few pick up shots that I will think will help the pacing of the film. The release date of the film is dependent on the completion of the soundtrack. Unfortunately, not having a release date hurts my ability to market the film and give it a little "buzz" but hopefully we will have some information soon!

That's a wrap!

Principal photography on "Son of Tiny" has wrapped! Below is a brief overview of the two nights of filming. Wednesday night: This was the night that we shot all of the exteriors for the film. I moved the filming location from Trumbull to Norwalk to give us a longer shooting night. With Trumbull being 30 mins passed Norwalk (during rush hour), we were able to shoot for an entire extra hour. Plus the starring actress needed to take a train back to Brooklyn, so I found this would maximize what little time we had. We couldn't start shoot it until it was dark so I set the crew call for 6:30 so we could have the whole scene lit and ready to go by 8:00. Everything went according to schedule. (Something that rarely happens with filmmaking) While we were breaking for dinner halfway through the shoot, I noticed that it had begun to rain. It was light rain but was noticeable on film. I crossed my fingers and fortunately the rain had stopped by the time dinner was over. It did fr...

I can almost smell the candy corn!

Three days to go until filming begins and Halloween comes early! I rehearsed with the main star on Friday and received the last of the vintage masks that I will be using. Going to be gathering all of the necessary props today and still need to finalize the costume for the Son of Tiny. A lot of work to do but am excited to return to the world of Tiny.